Hey there, I’m Aline Aurili, an illustrator and tattoo artist from São Paulo, Brazil, and based in Berlin, Germany. My style flows between figure illustration and abstraction, with an inclination for bold contrasts and shadows. I like to add movement, flow and weirdness to my artwork, reflecting my imagination and the way I sense my surroundings.
Women, nature elements and creatures often take centre stage in my creations. As a tattoo artist, while I do have a selection of ‘wannados’ ready to go, I absolutely love diving into custom projects to come up with pieces in partnership with my customers. Tattooing for me is not only about the final piece over an organic canvas, but the experience as a whole for the person who is being tattooed, from the first contact until healing ends.
I want to hear your stories and ideas. Hit me up for illustration and tattooing projects.